Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten

Learn To Play
play To Learn

Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten supports children in their early stages of life to learn, play, and grow in a caring and nurturing environment.

Kids in the harden while holding magnifying glass and telescope
A kid holding a little green frog
Kids playing drum
circle iconDots

Caring, Educational, & Family Focused

Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten works with children, families and staff to develop school readiness and inspire a lifelong passion for learning. We achieve this by considering each child’s interests, strengths and learning needs, and nurturing and encouraging these qualities. We provide a caring and stimulating environment where children have a safe place to explore, giving each child the tools to confidently learn and grow.
About Us
3 kinds playing bubbles on their handscurled lines in square shapewhite doodle heart
Childrenp laying in colorful fabric

where children’s voices are heard & valued

Our vision is to create a world where our children's voices are not only heard, but valued and cherished. We strive to assist our children to create a strong sense of identity, grow confidence in learning and effective communication, and become connected contributors to their world.
green heart  clipart with stringsSmiling sun

Our Programs & Philosophy

Our educational programs, philosophies and practices aim for children’s social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development needs to be met. We encourage children to become more self-reliant and develop self-esteem through equal opportunities delivered in a welcoming, vibrant environment that reflects children’s interest and is responsive to their needs.
See Our Programs
Children playing in boat toyscurled lines in square shapewhite doodle heart

Child Safe Commitment to Child Safety

Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten’s (QPK) vision is to positively impact every child, their family and community. QPK has a strong focus on child safety and wellbeing that is informed by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations (the National Principles).

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lines in square shapestar
circle curlsrainbow

Learn To Play,
Play To Learn

Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten looks forward to the opportunity to discuss how we can enrich the life of your child.

Get In Touch With Us