Who We Are
Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten is a warm and calm space where each child is encouraged to grow and develop to their full potential through enjoyable, interest-based activities.

Families are valued
Families are valued for being an active part of our early childhood environment.

Excellent Programs
Our educational programs, philosophies and practices aim for children's individual needs to be met.

Equal Opportunity
Opportunities to become self-reliant and develop self-esteem.

Welcoming Environment
Vibrant and flexible play and learning environment.
Caring, Educational & Family Focused
Quality Education By An Experienced Team
The Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten team is experienced and qualified, taking pride in supporting each child to unlock their potential and passion for learning and exploring. Our team works with each child and their guardians to develop school readiness and a sense of connectedness with others.
A high quality educational early childhood service, we are licensed for up to 40 children per day and enrol 39 children per day between the ages of 3 and to under 6 years, as per the priority of access Government Funding Guidelines.
Our programs offer children the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of activities and learning experiences that promote confidence, wellbeing, and identity. Gardening, cooking, physical play, block building, sand and water play, early numeracy and early literacy activities like reading, drawing, and writing are just some of the ways we encourage children to be curious, active participants of their own learning.
See Our Programs.webp)

Safe, Respectful & Inclusive
Caring, educational and family focused, our mission is to provide high-quality child education in a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment, building the foundations for lifelong learning. We learn to play and play to learn.
Our Environment
The Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten environment is unique. We work hard to create a learning environment that is beautiful, interesting, and homely for all children. Our playground and learning centre has been curated with the intention of maximising use of the natural environment to play, explore and learn.
We have a large shaded outdoor area that includes a sandpit, outdoor play equipment and gardens. Children attending Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten enjoy playing with these facilities and find different ways to utilise the setting for play every day. Inside, our facility incorporates child-friendly areas that encourage children to develop lifelong skills such as cooking, communicating and relaxing.

Governance & Management
QPK is a community-based Preschool and governed by a voluntary committee made up of preschool parents. Being managed by our parents and or members of our community, creates a respectful relationship with the children, educators, families, the committee, and community. An active collaboration with families and community enhances children’s learning and wellbeing.
Community-based services are not-for-profit services, where the profit(or surplus) is re invested in the service. Services that are managed by the community are more able to:

Make decisions which reflect their community and its culture.

Create partnerships within the community with other organisations.

Build social connections, relationships and networks for families and the community.
QPK is an Incorporated Association and elects their members for the committee at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM is held in Term 1 and the elected committee’s role is to govern the organisation for the following twelve months. The committee is ultimately responsible for meeting the organisation’s legal obligations and ensuring its on-going viability.
QPK committee employs a Director to manage the day to day operations of the service. The Director is also the Nominated Supervisor and Educational Leader of the Preschool.

Learn To Play,
Play To Learn
Quirindi Preschool Kindergarten supports children in their early stages of life to learn, play and grow in a caring and nurturing environment.